I am using YouTube API in my iOS application and the problem is that it loads really slow on my iPhone, but on iOS simulator it works perfectly.
I tried it on different networks and on different iPhones and its always the same. On every network simulator works a lot better.
I'm using YTPlayerView-iframe-player.html
and YTPlayerView
So, the question is can I do anything to load it faster or can I start playing song after it loads?
There is no way to speed up your network. You can do two things to improve the user experience: hide the player until the video loads, and start playing the video as soon as possible (autoplay).
Add the autoplay key to your playervars dictionary:
NSDictionary *playerVars = @{
@"playsinline" : @1,
@"autoplay" : @1, // <- here
@"showinfo" : @0,
@"rel" : @0,
@"modestbranding" : @1,
[self.playerView loadWithVideoId:videoId playerVars:playerVars];
// hide the player view until it is ready
self.playerView.hidden = YES;
Unhide the player when ready:
// unhide and play
- (void)playerViewDidBecomeReady:(YTPlayerView *)playerView {
self.playerView.hidden = NO;
- (void)playerView:(YTPlayerView *)playerView didChangeToState:(YTPlayerState)state {
if (state == kYTPlayerStatePlaying) {
self.playerView.hidden = NO;