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Convert decibels to volume using Accelerate Framework

I am building some kind of an audio fader effect.

I am using vDSP_vdbcon to turn a buffer of volumes into decibels, applying some modifications in db-space and would like to convert the decibel buffer into volume using the accelerate framework.



  • Here is what I use for each element for decibel values between -40 and 0. It gives pretty good results.

    float decibelsToMag(float decibels){
        return pow (10, (0.05 * decibels));

    I don't know the Accelerate vector equivalent for the pow function. But here's a half vectorized version.

    void decibelsToMags(float *decibels, float *mag, int count){
        float mul = 0.05;
        vDSP_vsmul(decibels, 1, &mul, mag, 1, count);
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            mag[i] = pow(10,mag[i]);

    Post back if you can figure out the vDSP version of the loop.