I am trying to format a time value from a collection I am using for time within ng-options.
The format in the db is 00:00:00 but I want to present 00:00 AM/PM to the user.
I am trying this;
ng-options="time.time as (time.time | date:'h:mma') for time in times"
With no luck. Seems like it should be pretty straight forward. shortTime does not work either.
Basically your date should return in correct format so that it would be recognized as date
by the date
2015-11-05 06:00:00
should be changed to 2015-11-05T06:00:00
$scope.times = [
{time: '2015-11-05T01:00:00', id: '1'},
{time: '2015-11-05T02:00:00', id: '2'},
{time: '2015-11-05T03:00:00', id: '3'},
{time: '2015-11-05T13:00:00', id: '4'},