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ASP.NET GridView BackColor update on column sort

I have a GridView tied to a table in a SQL Database so that it loads onto a page after login to my website.

When the page with the GridView is first loaded. I step through the rows on the table and change the BackColor for each row depending on it's "Status" column (i.e. if it's "Incomplete" make it red or green if it's "Complete"). When you sort the table by another column then the BackColor goes away.

I attempt to run the same function to step through the rows and change all the BackColors on the GridView1_Sorted event but the table remains without any color changes. Same goes for using the GridView1_Load event. However adding a button in and tieing that button's click to the same formatting code lets me apply the BackColors after sorting.

This tells me I'm probably misunderstanding something in how the Sorted event works. Can anyone tell me how to get the GridView set up properly so that I can sort by some column and still re-apply my BackColor formatting?


  • Try something like this

    If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow Then
        Dim stStatus As String = e.Row.Cells(1).Text ' INDEX OF YOUR STATUS COLUMN
        For Each cell As TableCell In e.Row.Cells
            If stStatus = "Incomplete" Then
                cell.BackColor = Color.Red
            Else If stStatus = "Complete" Then
                cell.BackColor = Color.Green
            End If
    End If

    Put this code in the RowDataBound event of your GridView