i`am trying to Migrating my code to be worked on android so i read here http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/XE8/en/Migrating_Delphi_Code_to_Mobile_from_Desktop
and i understand i have not use pos
or delete
with zerobased
on or i have to turn zero based off
, i don't feel good about turning of zero based off
so i work around my code i changed p := Pos(Sep, S);
To p := S.IndexOf(Sep, 0,0);
but iam unable to use remove TStringHelper.Remove
function instead of delete
while (S <> '') and (ParamsCount < 10) do
p := S.IndexOf(Sep, 0,0);
//p := Pos(Sep, S);
if p = 0 then
Params[ParamsCount] := S
Params[ParamsCount] := Copy(S, 1, P - 1);
TStringHelper.Remove(S, 1, P + 4); // here how do i use remove its only have integer parameter how to use Remove instead of Delete
//Delete(S, 1, P + 4);
There are a few issue here. First of all, the ZEROBASEDSTRINGS
directive doesn't influence any of this code because you don't use the []
operator. However, I recommend that you leave ZEROBASEDSTRINGS
as ON
and embrace the new ways.
The string helper use zero based indexing exclusively and it will reduce confusion if you follow suit in your code.
As for the details:
returns a new string, rather than modifying its argument.IndexOf
returns -1
to indicate no match found.Substring
rather than Copy
. The latter uses old school one based indexing. You should shun all the old SysUtils
functions and use the helper exclusively. I'd write the code like this:
p := S.IndexOf(Sep);
if p = -1 then
Params[ParamsCount] := S
Params[ParamsCount] := S.Substring(0, P);
S := S.Remove(0, P + 3);
Your code was a little messy and so there may be some errors in the above. I was trying to decipher the intent from the commented out code. However, the code above demonstrates the style that you should adopt.