I am working with a Point Grey camera (Grasshopper3) and I analyse the images using OpenCV in Python. Point Grey cameras come with an API in C named flycapture. I found python bindings for the flycapture v2 api on GitHub (pyflycapture2) and they provide installation instructions for Unix systems, but since I'm on Windows, I cannot use the awesome apt-get
Here is the instructions provided:
mkdir ~/git
cd ~/git
git clone https://github.com/peterpolidoro/pyflycapture2.git
sudo apt-get install python-pip python-virtualenv -y
mkdir ~/virtualenvs/
virtualenv ~/virtualenvs/flycapture2
source ~/virtualenvs/flycapture2/bin/activate
pip install cython
pip install numpy
cd ~/git/pyflycapture2/
python setup.py install
I don't need to install Cython and NumPy since they are included in my Python distribution (Anaconda)
I tried running only python setup.py install
but then I get ImportError: No module named flycapture2
if I test the installation with the code provided in the repository.
Any help would be really appreciated!
Thanks to Busturdust who pointed out that the issue had already been covered here : https://github.com/jordens/pyflycapture2/issues/8
In summary, new Point Grey cameras don't use the same frame rate format convention then the one used in the module.