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Creating Doctrine objects from a Behat Context class


I have a Symfony2 project. I want to create Doctrine objects during a Behat test. To that effect, I need to access the EntityManager from within my FeatureContext class.

My attempt

I have my FeatureContext class extend RawMinkContext, which in turn extends BehatContext.

I then try, as per the documentation to access the container, or the entitymanager.

class FeatureContext extends RawMinkContext
     * @Given /^I have some disciplines$/
    public function iHaveSomeDisciplines()
        $em = $this->getEntityManager();
        $container = $this->getContainer();

But neither of these work, because none of the classes FeatureContext inherits from have access to this. As far as I know, only Controller does.


How can I get access to Doctrine from within my FooContext classes?


  • Inject the kernel into your context by:


    class FeatureContext extends RawMinkContext implements KernelAwareContext


    class FeatureContext extends RawMinkContext
        use KernelDictionary

    Then you can get the entity manager as follows:
