I am using elfinder as a file manager in one of my laravel project using barryvdh-elfinder package. I am using its standalone popup to let the user choose a file from existing files. But I want them to be able to choose folders as well. I can't seem to make it work.
Can anyone help me solve this problem. thanks.
As guided by Tiago A. ( thanks to him :) )we can use folder : true
in commandsOptions
while initializing elfinder like this:
// set your elFinder options here
customData: {
_token: '<?= csrf_token() ?>'
url: '<?= URL::action('Barryvdh\Elfinder\ElfinderController@showConnector') ?>', // connector URL
dialog: {width: 900, modal: true, title: 'Select a file'},
resizable: false,
commandsOptions: {
getfile: {
oncomplete: 'destroy',
folders : true
getFileCallback: function (file) {
window.parent.processSelectedFile(file.path, '<?= $input_id?>');