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how to find whether wcf 4.0 is installed or not

Is there any registry key which i can look for wcf 4.0


  • Check out this blog post on how to detect .NET 4.0 - if you have .NET 4.0, you have WCF 4.0

    Key     HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Client
    Name    Install
    Type    REG_DWORD (32-bit integer)
    Data    0x00000001 (1)

    WCF is part of the "client profile" of .NET 4.0 - so this would be a check for WCF 4.0 (seems there are some more advanced WCF features which are not part of this - unfortunately, I don't know for sure what those are).

    Find more on the .NET 4 client profile in this MSDN library article.

    If you need to detect the full .NET 4.0 (not just the client profile) check this:

    Key      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full
    Name    Install
    Type    REG_DWORD (32-bit integer)
    Data    0x00000001 (1)