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Disable Fiddler's automatic conversion of user data into auth token

According to this answer fiddler is now automatically convering "[a] url's userinfo to an Authorization header". Is there a way to disable this?

PUT: http://localhost/?name=ben+duguid&

Results in:

Authorization: Basic bG9jYWxob3N0Lz9uYW1lPWJlbitkdWd1aWQmZW1haWw9YmVu

which is clearly never going to work.

I can work around this by URL encoding the @ as %40 (which I appreciate is more accurate as it's a reserved character) but seeing as this worked previously it means a number of my previous commands need to be updated.

As a point of note, the composer complains if I try and use a space in my query-string values but that's the only reserved character it complains about:

Space in querystring


  • You're running an outdated version of Fiddler. Update to v4.6.1.4 and you'll find that this bug is no longer present.