Using PyClips, I'm trying to build rules in Clips that dynamically retrieve data from the Python interpreter. To do this, I register an external function as outlined in the manual.
The code below is a toy example of the problem. I'm doing this because I have an application with a large corpus of data, in the form of a SQL database, which I want to reason with using Clips. However, I don't want to waste time converting all this data into Clips assertions, if I can simply "plug" Clips directly into Python's namespace.
However, when I try to create the rule, I get an error. What am I doing wrong?
import clips
#user = True
#def py_getvar(k):
# return globals().get(k)
def py_getvar(k):
return True if globals.get(k) else clips.Symbol('FALSE')
print clips.Eval("(python-call py_getvar user)") # Outputs "nil"
# If globals().get('user') is not None: assert something
clips.BuildRule("user-rule", "(neq (python-call py_getvar user) nil)", "(assert (user-present))", "the user rule")
#clips.BuildRule("user-rule", "(python-call py_getvar user)", "(assert (user-present))", "the user rule")
I received some help on the PyClips support group. The solution is to ensure your Python function returns a clips.Symbol object and use (test ...) to evaluate functions in the LHS of rules. The use of Reset() also appears to be necessary to activate certain rules.
import clips
user = True
def py_getvar(k):
return (clips.Symbol('TRUE') if globals().get(k) else clips.Symbol('FALSE'))
# if globals().get('user') is not None: assert something
clips.BuildRule("user-rule", "(test (eq (python-call py_getvar user) TRUE))",
'(assert (user-present))',
"the user rule")