I have the following relationships between classes:
public class Person : Entity
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public class Project : Entity
public string ProjectName { get; set; }
public MongoDBRef Leader { get; set; }
I was following this tutorial to resolve the project leader from the MongoDbRef by using the following snippet. Unfortunately i cannot find something that resembles something like the FetchDBRefAs<>() method in the C# 2.1.0 Driver for MongoDB
var projectCollection = this.Database.GetCollection<Project>("Projects");
var query = from p in projectCollection.AsQueryable<Project>()
select p;
foreach (var project in query)
if(project.Leader != null)
// can't figure this out since
// database.FetchDBRefAs<T>(...) is not available anymore
Can someone explain to me how this works with the 2.1.0 Driver?
I solved it by writing my own extension method for IMongoDatabase. So in case anybody else stumbles across this problem, this might be helpful:
public static async Task<T> FetchDBRef<T>(this IMongoDatabase database, MongoDBRef reference) where T : Entity
var filter = Builders<T>.Filter.Eq(e => e.Id, reference.Id.AsString);
return await database.GetCollection<T>(reference.CollectionName).Find(filter).FirstOrDefaultAsync();