I want to monitor solr, and have the jmxtrans config:
"outputFile" : "/tmp/jmx.log",
"maxLogFileSize" : "10MB",
"maxLogBackupFiles" : 2,
"debug" : true
I have configure the wildcard domain name
but I get the following result without domain name:
localhost_8099.solr.errors 0 1446715240625
localhost_8099.solr.avgRequestsPerSecond 0.00883917964270778 1446715240625
localhost_8099.solr.avgTimePerRequest 1.99831994970047 1446715240625
localhost_8099.solr.95thPcRequestTime 3.8249146499999997 1446715240625
localhost_8099.solr.requests 717419 1446715241205
localhost_8099.solr.errors 0 1446715241205
I tried typeNames: https://code.google.com/p/jmxtrans/wiki/Queries But it seems doesn't support domain.
I found the answer, add the following configuration: