How to create a permanent access token for a StrongLoop API. Now for every user login it creates an access token. And unnecessary entry in my db
I can increase the validity of access token(ttl) as mentioned here.
But still it will generate for new login.
You are mixing up 2 different things. The AccessToken entry creation and the ttl value for the AccessToken.
When a user logs in a new AccessToken is created. If the user logs out the AccessToken is removed. If the user logs in 2 times, for example from 2 different devices, then you will get 2 AccessTokens, so this way the user will be able to access your app from the 2 devices simultaneously.
If the user wants to log in from the same device and he already has a valid token, your app should recognise this and log him in automatically.
Obviously if the ttl value is expired, the token will not be valid any more. This token will be removed if is tried to be used. I guess if you don't want this records in your database, you could create a custom cron job that removes expired tokens.
Regarding the permanent access token, it will require to disable the ttl value, and that is not possible at the moment for the default AccessToken model. I created a pull request to support that, if you are interested you could chime in and see if it gets merged.