I am new to bat script. I want below script to check if web is up and if not restart the coldfusion and save all info into log file.
@REM Remove any existing files.
del C:\Users\Administrator\check.txt
@REM to download file
wget -O check.txt --no-check-certificate
@REM Search for the term in the previously downloaded file.
FINDSTR /C:"index.cfm" check.txt
if errorlevel equ 1 notfound
echo notfound > log.txt
echo stopping ebanking >> log.txt
call C:\ColdFusion10\cfusion\bin\cfstop.bat
echo starting ebanking >> log.txt
call C:\ColdFusion10\cfusion\bin\cfstart.bat
echo found >> log.txt
You missed goto
command for the label notfound
. For logic, I swapped label between notfound/found
@echo off
pushd "C:\Users\Administrator"
@REM Remove any existing files.
del check.txt
@REM to download file
wget -O check.txt --no-check-certificate
@REM Search for the term in the previously downloaded file.
FINDSTR /C:"index.cfm" check.txt
if errorlevel equ 1 (goto notfound)
echo found >> log.txt
exit /b 0
echo notfound > log.txt
echo stopping ebanking >> log.txt
call C:\ColdFusion10\cfusion\bin\cfstop.bat
echo starting ebanking >> log.txt
call C:\ColdFusion10\cfusion\bin\cfstart.bat
you could simplify the code to the following in a loop
@echo off
set "someurl="
wget --server-response -nv --spider %someurl% 2>&1 | find "HTTP/1.1 200 OK">nul
if errorlevel 1 (
echo %DATE% %TIME%: stopping ebanking>> log.txt
call C:\ColdFusion10\cfusion\bin\cfstop.bat
timeout 5>nul
echo %DATE% %TIME%: starting ebanking>> log.txt
call C:\ColdFusion10\cfusion\bin\cfstart.bat
) else (
echo %DATE% %TIME%: site is up>> log.txt
rem Wait 1 hour before loop
timeout 3600
goto loop