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Synthesis of Code fails with no critical warnings or errors?

My following vhdl module will synthesize if I comment out the second process block, but if I try to use both of them, the synthesis will fail with no critical warnings or errors listed. There are some warnings, but they are just the usual things (no ethernet connected for the Zynq, things that aren't used, etc.)

I can not see any reason why this would happen. Originally I had a for loop inside the process statement that was causing the errors, but taking that out did not work.
Then I thought that it might be a multidriven net between the two processes, but that is not the case either.

library IEEE;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

use work.DataTypes_pkg.all;

entity EvalFUOutputs is 
    Port ( 
        Clk_Launch : in  std_logic;
        RESET : in  std_logic;
        start : in  std_logic;
        current_phase : in  PhaseType;
        ready : out  std_logic;
        init_or_captured : in  std_logic;       --mode bit
        all_timings_done : out  std_logic;
        Capture_vals : in  std_logic_vector(FU_OUTPUT_WIDTH_NB-1 downto 0);
        Launch_MUXCtrl : in  std_logic;
        Capture_ClkEn : in  std_logic; 
        --2D array for results.
        row_timings : out RowResultsType;
        glitches : out  OutRowType
end EvalFUOutputs;

architecture beh of EvalFUOutputs is

    type mode_enum is (init, eval);
    signal mode : mode_enum;

    type eval_enum is (idle, eval_begin, get_time, all_timed);
    signal eval_state : eval_enum;

    type init_enum is(begin_init, compare, done);
    signal init_state : init_enum;

    signal row_time : RowResultsType;

    type init_vals_declare is array (0 downto 1) of std_logic_vector (FU_OUTPUT_WIDTH_NB -1 downto 0);
    signal init_vals : init_vals_declare;

    signal has_been_timed : std_logic_vector (FU_OUTPUT_WIDTH_NB -1 downto 0 );
    --  if 0 => will not change
    --  if 1 => will change
    signal will_change : std_logic_vector (FU_OUTPUT_WIDTH_NB -1 downto 0);

    signal init_done :std_logic;

    signal fu_vals_changed : std_logic_vector (FU_OUTPUT_WIDTH_NB -1 downto 0);

    --  This modules clock signal
    signal clk : std_logic;

    signal a : std_logic;


    clk <= Clk_Launch;

    mode_of_FU :
    process(clk, mode, RESET) is

        if rising_edge(clk) then
            if RESET = '1' then
                --TODO:RESET LOGIC
                mode <= init;

                case mode is 
                    when init =>

                    --  Check if need to change to next
                    --      nested state mahcine
                        if (init_or_captured = '1') then
                            mode <= eval;
                            mode <= init;
                        end if;

                    when eval =>

                    --  End EVAL LOGIC nested state mahcine
                        if (init_or_captured = '0') then
                            mode <= eval;
                            mode <= init;
                        end if;
                end case;
            end if;
        end if;
    end process;

process (clk, RESET,mode,init_state) is

    if (rising_edge(clk)) then
      if (mode = init) then 
        if RESET ='1' then
            --TODO reset logic
            init_state <= begin_init;
            init_done <= '0';


                case init_state is
                    --TODO: init logic
                    --  1.A Init Machine Start
                    when begin_init =>
                        -- row timings set to zero to beign
                        row_time <= (others => (others => '0'));

                        init_vals(0)(FU_OUTPUT_WIDTH_NB -1 downto 0) <= Capture_vals;

                        if (start = '1') then
                            init_state <= compare;
                            init_state <= begin_init;
                        end if;

                    when compare =>
                        --wait one more clk cycle to get changed values
                        init_vals(1)(FU_OUTPUT_WIDTH_NB -1 downto 0) <= Capture_vals;

                        has_been_timed <= (others => '0');

                        init_state <= done;

                    when done =>
                        init_done <= '1';

                end case;
            end if;
        end if;
      end if;
    end process;

--ready <= '1' ;
--all_timings_done <= '1';
--row_timings <= (others => (others => '1'));
--glitches <= (others => '1');
a <= '0';

end beh;

Here are the contents of DataTypes.pkg

library IEEE;

package DataTypes_pkg is

   constant PHASE_SHIFT_LEN_NB: integer := 11;
   constant PHASE_SHIFT_RANGE: integer := 1120;
   constant PHASE_SHIFT_ZEROPHASE: integer := 0;

   constant FU_INPUT_WIDTH_NB: integer := 3;

   constant FU_OUTPUT_WIDTH_LB: integer := 1;
   constant FU_OUTPUT_WIDTH_NB: integer := 2;

   constant PHASE_LOWER_BOUND: integer := 150;
   constant PHASE_UPPER_BOUND: integer := 1100;

   subtype InRowType is std_logic_vector(FU_INPUT_WIDTH_NB-1 downto 0);
   subtype OutRowType is std_logic_vector(FU_OUTPUT_WIDTH_NB-1 downto 0);

   subtype PhaseType is unsigned(PHASE_SHIFT_LEN_NB-1 downto 0);

   type RowResultsType is array(FU_OUTPUT_WIDTH_NB-1 downto 0) of PhaseType;

   subtype row_index_type is integer range 0 to FU_OUTPUT_WIDTH_NB - 1;

end DataTypes_pkg;


  • type init_vals_declare is array (0 downto 1) of std_logic_vector (FU_OUTPUT_WIDTH_NB -1 downto 0);

    Should be

      type init_vals_declare is array (0 to 1) of std_logic_vector (FU_OUTPUT_WIDTH_NB -1 downto 0);

    Vivado will not tell you that the other way is wrong.