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test page redirection with Capybara + RSpec

I have a step_definition

Then(/^I should be redirected to the (.+?) page/) do |target|
  expect(current_url).to eq(Urls[target])

and generally it works quite well. Sometimes when I'm using the poltergeist driver it goes faster than normal and the current_url is still the old page. That's when I get errors like this:

Then I should be redirected to the login page                                                # features/step_definitions/navigate-steps.rb:64

expected: ""
got: ""

(compared using ==)
./features/step_definitions/navigation.rb:50:in `/^I should be redirected to the (.+?) page$/'
features/password.feature:100:in `Then I should be redirected to the login page'

Is there a way to make the matcher wait a little for the url to update?


  • Don't use the eq matcher with current_path or current_url. Instead, use the have_current_path matcher provided by Capybara 2.5+

    expect(page).to have_current_path(Urls[target], url: true)

    The have_current_path matcher uses Capybara's waiting/retrying behavior, so it will wait for the page to change. I added the url: true option to make it compare the full url. If Urls[target] resolves to just a path, you can remove the option.