I am trying to dismiss the search field by tapping 'Cancel' button in search bar.
The test case is failing to find the cancel button. It was working fine in Xcode 7.0.1
I have added predicate to wait for button to appear. The test case is failing when we tap of "cancel" button
let button = app.buttons[“Cancel”]
let existsPredicate = NSPredicate(format: "exists == 1")
expectationForPredicate(existsPredicate, evaluatedWithObject: button, handler: nil)
waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(5, handler: nil)
button.tap() // Failing here
t = 7.21s Tap SearchField
t = 7.21s Wait for app to idle
t = 7.29s Find the SearchField
t = 7.29s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for com.test.mail
t = 7.49s Find: Descendants matching type SearchField
t = 7.49s Find: Element at index 0
t = 7.49s Wait for app to idle
t = 7.55s Synthesize event
t = 7.84s Wait for app to idle
t = 8.97s Type 'vinayak@xmd.net' into
t = 8.97s Wait for app to idle
t = 9.03s Find the "Search" SearchField
t = 9.03s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for com.test.mail
t = 9.35s Find: Descendants matching type SearchField
t = 9.35s Find: Element at index 0
t = 9.36s Wait for app to idle
t = 9.42s Synthesize event
t = 10.37s Wait for app to idle
t = 10.44s Check predicate `exists == 1` against object `"Cancel" Button`
t = 10.44s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for com.test.mail
t = 10.58s Find: Descendants matching type Button
t = 10.58s Find: Elements matching predicate '"Cancel" IN identifiers'
t = 10.58s Tap "Cancel" Button
t = 10.58s Wait for app to idle
t = 10.64s Find the "Cancel" Button
t = 10.64s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for com.test.mail
t = 10.78s Find: Descendants matching type Button
t = 10.78s Find: Elements matching predicate '"Cancel" IN identifiers'
t = 10.79s Wait for app to idle
t = 11.08s Synthesize event
t = 11.13s Scroll element to visible
t = 11.14s Assertion Failure: UI Testing Failure - Failed to scroll to visible (by AX action) Button 0x7f7fcaebde40: traits: 8589934593, {{353.0, 26.0}, {53.0, 30.0}}, label: 'Cancel', error: Error -25204 performing AXAction 2003
I guess here "Cancel" button returns false
for hittable
property, that is preventing it from tapping.
If you see tap()
in documentation it says
* Sends a tap event to a hittable point computed for the element.
- (void)tap;
It seems things are broken with Xcode 7.1. To keep myself (and you too ;)) unblocked from these issues I wrote an extension on XCUIElement
that allows tap on an element even if it is not hittable. Following can help you.
/*Sends a tap event to a hittable/unhittable element.*/
extension XCUIElement {
func forceTapElement() {
if self.hittable {
else {
let coordinate: XCUICoordinate = self.coordinateWithNormalizedOffset(CGVectorMake(0.0, 0.0))
Now you can call as
Update - For Swift 3 use the following:
extension XCUIElement {
func forceTapElement() {
if self.isHittable {
else {
let coordinate: XCUICoordinate = self.coordinate(withNormalizedOffset: CGVector(dx:0.0, dy:0.0))