I have a problem with Typhoon dependency injection framework.
My viewcontroller MainViewController
depends on dataProvider
property that I want to declare as AnyObject
corresponding to protocol DataProviderProtocol
class MainViewController: UIViewController {
// Compiler error here
var dataProvider : DataProviderProtocol!
// something more
protocol DataProviderProtocol {
func fetchAllBanks(closure : ([BankObject]) -> Void)
class TestDataProvider: NSObject, CEDataProviderProtocol {
func fetchAllBanks(closure : ([CEBankObject]) -> Void) {
var resultBanks = ///////code that creates test data
I want this dataProvider
property to be injected by the Typhoon and initialized to the corresponding instance of class TestDataProvider
, that implements this protocol. But I also have RealDataProvider
that also corresponds to the DataProviderProtocol
and might be used sometimes
But this code crashes with the message
Can't inject property 'dataProvider' for object ''. Setter selector not found. Make sure that property exists and writable'
I can inject this property without crashes if I use the property class of TestDataProvider
, but this disables the ability to inject different DataProviderProtocol
I understand this this crash happens because DataProviderProtocol
property type is not NSObject
successor. But I just can't find a way to declare property as NSObject<DataProviderProtocol>
in Swift
I would appreciate any help
P.S. My Assembly class
public class CEAppAssembly:TyphoonAssembly {
//uiviewcontrollers' components assembly
var mainComponentsAssembly : CEMainComponentsAssembly!
UI Dependencies
public dynamic func mainViewController() -> AnyObject {
return TyphoonDefinition.withClass(MainViewController.self) {
(definition) in
definition.injectProperty("dataProvider", with: self.mainComponentsAssembly.dataProvider())
Typhoon uses the Objective-C run-time introspection and dynamic features. Therefore:
There's more information about this in the Quick Start guide. If you're still having trouble after reviewing and making those changes, let us know.
We plan to release a Pure Swift version of Typhoon in the near future.