I have the following domain class:
package com.example
class Location {
String state
def getStatesList(){
def states = ['AL','AK','AZ','AR','CA','CO','CT',
return states
In my gsp, I am trying to display the state list in a select dropdown as such
<g:select name="location.state" class="form-control" from="${com.example.Location?.getStatesList()}" value="${itemInstance?.location?.state}" noSelection="['': '']" />
In doing so, I am receiving "missing method exception"
If I change the method with list, I no longer receive the error, but I don't want that.
from="${com.example.Location?.list()}" // works
from="${com.example.Location?.getStatesList()}" // does not work
Any help is greatly appreciated.
As dmahaptro said, you can correct this issue by making getStatesList()
a static method.
class Location {
String state
static List<String> getStatesList() {
Then you'll be able to execute Location.statesList
or Location.getStatesList()
I think a cleaner alternative is using a final constant:
class Location {
String state
static final List<String> STATES =
Then you can access the list the same way: Location.STATES
. The difference is that the all-caps name implies a value that does not change (and does not require accessing the database).