Currently in our web.xml, it's going to Struts 2 filter for all the urls since it's /*, but I need to give specific URL pattern (eg: /docupload/*
) because I am integrating with another application now.
So another application URL also goes through Struts filter and not working.
I tried this: I gave "namspace" in struts.xml like 'docupload':
<constant name="struts.devMode" value="true" />
<package name="default" namespace="/docupload" extends="struts-default">
Added the namespace as /docupload and below is my folder structure
in web.xml -
after creating folder structure and namspace added - I changed the URL pattern as above mentioned one. But it's not working.
If you simply want to bypass a specific URL, you can use excludePattern
in your struts.xml as below
<constant name="struts.action.excludePattern" value="/docupload/*" />