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php and xpath trying to loop through child elements of particular element

I have this XML-Snippet:

<ad:images gallery-url="" url="https://myxmlonly/images">
    <ad:representation size="S" url=""/>
    <ad:representation size="XL" url=""/>
    <ad:representation size="ICON" url=""/>
    <ad:representation size="L" url="http:/"/>
    <ad:representation size="M" url=""/>
    <ad:representation size="S" url=""/>
    <ad:representation size="XL" url=""/>
    <ad:representation size="ICON" url=""/>
    <ad:representation size="L" url="http:/"/>
    <ad:representation size="M" url=""/>

and I'm trying to get the different pathes for the different images out of that block. But my script only seems to get the first block, iterates n-times, if the is represented more than once but only saves the five different URLs form the first block so I get something like:

array(2) {
  array(5) {
    string(66) ""
    string(66) ""
    string(66) ""
    string(65) "http:/"
    string(66) ""
  array(5) {
    string(66) ""
    string(66) ""
    string(66) ""
    string(65) "http:/"
    string(66) ""

I tried various approaches, but it seems I can't get my head around it: Here's the snippet thats producing this:

  //Get the images
  $images_array = array();

  //Path to images
  $images = $xml->xpath("//ad:images/*");

  //Starting index
  $ind = 0;

  //$image = $xml->xpath("//ad:image");
  //Iterate through images
  foreach($images as $node) {

    //Get pathes for all sizes
    $image = $node->xpath("//ad:image/*");

    //Iterate through size
    foreach($image as $imgSize) {
    //foreach($node->xpath("//ad:representation") as $imgSize) {

      //$size = $imgSize[0]['size'];
      $size = $imgSize[0]['size'];

      //Store size in array
      $images_array[$ind][(string)$size] = (string) $imgSize[0]['url'];
    //Increse index

Thanks for reading :)


  • Cracked it myself:

    $ind = 0;
    foreach($xml->xpath("//ad:image") as $image)
      foreach($image->xpath(".//ad:representation") as $imgSize)
        $size = $imgSize['size'];
        $images_array[$ind][(string)$size] = (string)$imgSize['url'];