I have an array of strings in PostgreSQL:
SELECT ARRAY['dog', 'cat', 'mouse'];
And I have a large paragraph:
Dogs and cats have a range of interactions. The natural instincts of each species lead towards antagonistic interactions, though individual animals can have non-aggressive relationships with each other, particularly under conditions where humans have socialized non-aggressive behaviors.
The generally aggressive interactions between the species have been noted in cultural expressions.
For each item in the array, I want to check if it appears in my large paragraph string. I know for any one string, I could do the following:
SELECT paragraph_text ILIKE '%dog%';
But is there a way to simultaneously check every string in the array (for an arbitrary number of array elements) without resorting to plpgsql?
I belive you want something like this (assuming paragraph_text
is column from table named table
paragraph_text ILIKE '%' || sub.word || '%' as is_word_in_text
table1 CROSS JOIN (
SELECT unnest(ARRAY['dog', 'cat', 'mouse']) as word
) as sub;
Function unnest(array)
takes creates table of record from array values. The you can do CROSS JOIN
which means all rows from table1
are combines with all rows from that unnest-table.
If paragraph_text
is some kind of static value (not from table) you can do just:
paragraph_text ILIKE '%' || sub.word || '%' as is_word_in_text
SELECT unnest(ARRAY['dog', 'cat', 'mouse']) as word
) as sub;