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Display NSUserNotification when app is active

I am currently making a XIB Menu Bar application that displays a notification using this code:

func showNotification(message:String, title:String = "App Name") -> Void {
    let notification = NSUserNotification()
    notification.title = title
    notification.informativeText = message

And calling it like this:

showNotification("\(song)\n\(artist)",title: "Now Playing")

The notification works when the Menu Bar application is hidden away (not shown), however when the user has it shown, the notification does not show.

Is there a way to show the notification while the application is in view?


  • By default when your application is active, notifications delivered by your app are not shown. To get the expected behaviour, you have to use the user notification center delegate like below :

    extension AppController: NSUserNotificationCenterDelegate {
        private func setupUserNotificationCenter() {
            let nc = NSUserNotificationCenter.defaultUserNotificationCenter()
            nc.delegate = self
        public func userNotificationCenter(center: NSUserNotificationCenter, shouldPresentNotification notification: NSUserNotification) -> Bool {
            return true