In the Docs it was mentioned how to open a connection to a DB with Blaze's Data.
db = Data('postgresql:///user:pass@hostname')
I did like above and then got the following message when I try to do any update operations (like drop table) on that DB with a session opened via Psycopg2 afterwards.
DETAIL: There is 1 other session using the database.
As I'm making taking care of the sessions that I'm opening with Psycopg2, I suspect this behaviour is because of Blaze. (Please correct, if I'm wrong).
How can I close this Blaze session or connection first when I'm done, so that I can do other stuff with Psycopg2, for example?
This has been answered in the Blaze mailing list here. (Blaze uses sqlalchemy to interact with Postgres. By accessing its engine at
, we can manage our active connections.)