I just upgraded to the last version of WebStorm(11.0).
I have in my code require in that syntax:
let path = require(`../../assets/js/templates/${thisTemplate}`);
The problem is that WebStorm says:
Module is not installed
And if I hit the yellow bulb
I get suggestion:
Install '`..'
P.S. Before, when I used the older version(10.X-don't remember which exactly), I got no errors.
That's a result of new Node.js inspection Missing module dependency. Reported an issue that you can follow: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-18919
As a workaround for now please disable that inspection manually by going to Preferences | Editor | Inspections - JavaScript - Node.js - Missing module dependency or hit alt-enter on the highlighted error then hit Arrow right and select Disable inspection.