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Changing doze mode setting using adb

From what I learned from this source code of Doze Editor app it is possible to change the doze settings using adb.

My question, can I change only one setting at a time?

for example:

adb shell settings put global device_idle_constants KEY_INACTIVE_TIMEOUT=720000

Or should I put all the value-pairs separated by comma?

for example:

adb shell settings put global device_idle_constants KEY_INACTIVE_TIMEOUT=720000, KEY_SENSING_TIMEOUT=xxxx, KEY_LOCATING_TIMEOUT=yyyy ... and so on


  • can I change only one setting at a time?

    Yes, you can't change multiple settings at once.

    The command adb shell settings only supports one key/value at a time, as you can see in the command help:

    adb shell settings
    usage:  settings [--user NUM] get namespace key
            settings [--user NUM] put namespace key value
            settings [--user NUM] delete namespace key
    'namespace' is one of {system, secure, global}, case-insensitive
    If '--user NUM' is not given, the operations are performed on the owner user.