I have an angular frontend app that uses angular-nvd3. This is quite convenient for me.
Unfortunately I now need a gauge chart and because I create dynamic charts from a server response I don't want to build many conditions to include a different chart library.
There's not much information about gauge charts with d3.js or especially NVD3.
The only thing I found is this http://bl.ocks.org/tomerd/1499279 but that's only d3.js based code. If I don't want to mess up my angular app, I should integrate that in NVD3. Unfortunately I have no idea how this needs to be done.
Does anybody have a gauge chart working in NVD3 or alternative solutions?
I wrote a simple gauge chart plugin for nvd3 a while ago, and while it's a bit hard-coded for our purposes you should to be able to modify it to your needs: