So i have the following issue. In my database I have a table named
This table stores records of minutes from committee meetings. Each minute can consist of many files. The database design regarding minutes is the following:
The table bp_minutes_attachments is connected via a foreign key to the bp_minutes_app and holds the following information:
description, createdby
The table
is connected via a foreign key to the
and holds the file along other information. We are interested in taking only the name and id of the file (the latter in order to create a hyperlink to the file, but this is out of scope of the present question).
Final remark. All those tables are linked to the master
table that is joined only to get the id of each specific report.
In my report I want to print on a table all minutes and the accompanying information (file name, description, createdby, submission date), but make a separate entry for each minute. In order to achieve this, I first created a table that uses the following dataset:
FROM bp_minutes_app
bp_minutes_app.bp_full_app_id =
WHERE = $P{id}
With this dataset I retrieve each minutes record. In my example, I get two records with ids 39 and 40. Inside this table I nested another table to retrieve information for each file in each minutes record. The dataset that I used is the following:
SELECT bp_minutes_app.submission_date,
FROM bp_minutes_attachments
left JOIN bp_minutes_app ON
bp_minutes_attachments.bp_minutes_app_id =
AND = $P{mid}
left JOIN bp_full ON
bp_minutes_app.bp_full_app_id =
left JOIN bp_files ON
bp_minutes_attachments.bp_file_id =
WHERE = $P{id}
The id parameter is used again to take the specific report and the mid parameter to take a specific minute. On parameter specification mid is declared as follows:
mid = $F{id}
, where id is the
Following this setup I managed to get nested tables for each minute (forgive me for the greek headers):
What I want to do is number each subtable from 1...n, according to the number of minutes/ subtables. How can I achieve this? I tried to create a suitable variable but it was not met with success. I want to somehow "save" in a parameter / variable the count of bp_minutes_app records and manipulate this number for each nested table header, instead of just numbering each table with the corresponding id.
Sorry for the long post but I am new to Jasper and I wanted to be clear about the steps I have taken and what I want to achieve.
Alot of sql not much jrxml in your post so I start by guessing.
Have you tried something like this in the jrxml:
<variable name="counter" class="java.lang.Integer" calculation="Count">