I have two tables. Both of them contain (dutch) postalcodes. Those have the format 9999AA and are stored as varchar(6). In the left table the codes are complete
John Smith 1234AB
Drew BarryMore 3456HR
Ted Bundy 3456TX
Henrov 8995RE
My mother 8995XX
In the right table the codes can be incomplete
1234AB Normal neigbourhood
3456 Bad neighbourhood
8995R Very good neighbourhood
I need to join these tables on the postalcodes. In this example the output would have to be
John Smith Normal neighbourhood
Drew BarryMore Bad neighbourhood
Ted Bundy Bad neighbourhood
Henrov Very good neighbourhood
My mother -unknown-
So I have to join the two tables based on the length of the postal code in the right table.
Any suggestions as to how to do this? I could only come up with a CASE in the ON statement but that was not so smart ;)
If you have no "duplicates" in the second table, you could use like
SELECT t1.*, t2.col2
FROM table1 AS t1
JOIN table2 AS t2
ON t1.postalcode LIKE t2.postalcode + '%';
However, this is not going to be efficient. Instead, an index on table2(postalcode)
and a series of LEFT JOIN
s is probably faster:
SELECT t1.*, COALESCE(t2a.col2, t2b.col2, t2c.col2)
FROM table1 t1
LEFT JOIN table2 t2a ON t2a.postalcode = t1.postalcode
LEFT JOIN table2 t2b ON t2b.postalcode = LEFT(t1.postalcode, LEN(t1.postalcode) - 1)
LEFT JOIN table2 t2c ON t2c.postalcode = LEFT(t1.postalcode, LEN(t1.postalcode) - 2)
This can take advantage of an index on table2(postalcode)
. In addition, it only returns one row, even when there are multiple matches in table2
, returning the best match.