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how can i change the html rendering of d:formalpara

This is how the default configuration renders a formalpara:



will be rendered as this:

  <span class="formalpara-title">foo</span>

I already set <xsl:param name="runinhead.default.title.end.punct"></xsl:param> so the stupid point doesnt get rendered anymore.

This is what i actually want:

<div class="formalpara">
  <h2 class="title">foo</h2>

This is what i've done so far:

I changed:

<xsl:template match="d:formalpara">
  <xsl:call-template name="paragraph">




<xsl:template match="d:formalpara">
  <xsl:call-template name="block.object">



and I changed:

<xsl:template match="d:formalpara/d:title|d:formalpara/d:info/d:title">


  <span class="formalpara-title">




<xsl:template match="d:formalpara/d:title|d:formalpara/d:info/d:title">


  <h2 class="title">



This is what will be rendered now:

<div class="formalpara">
  <h2 xmlns:d="" class="title">foo</h2>

What is my actual Question?

  1. Why is the xmlns:d="" getting rendered?
  2. How can I get the <p> tag around my bar?


  • You should be able to avoid the namespace declaration xmlns:d="" on the h2 element by adding exclude-result-prefixes="d" on your xsl:stylesheet (respectively xsl:transform) element.

    I would assume that adding

    <xsl:template match="d:formalpara/d:para">

    ensures the transformation of the para element child of a formalpara, but I haven't checked whether that works.