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How reference correctly images through many .adoc files located in different folders

I am working with Atom Editor + the two plugins/packages available about asciidoctor.

  • asciidoc-preview
  • language-asciidoc

All work how it is expected. But I am with the following situation:

I have the following directory structure:


Where findOneXml.adoc (within figures folder) has

image::findOneXml.png[caption="Figure - " title="findOneXml"]

With the live preview I can see the image and its respective description

Now with findOne.adoc (within url folder) contains among many things the following line:


I think the path reference is ok. if I use other, the live preview shows an error message about an invalid or wrong path.

But through the live preview I see broken the image but I can see the description.

enter image description here

What is wrong or missing?

Even with include::./../figures/findOneXml.adoc[] fails

Note: in the sub/child document I need add other data how notes, tips (Admonition), that child document would be reused many times by other parents. So I only don't need refer to the image only.



  • The image is resolved relative to an internal base path of the asciidoc rendering engine. In your case I assume the engine takes the path of the rendered (main, parent) document. So, images are resolved relative to that. Try:


    This should work for both adoc documents, as the path moves up to the parent directory and then explicitly down into the figures directory.

    In case you want to have a common absolute base for images, you can also set the :imagesdir: attribute to the base url of your images directory. This should then also work with live previews: