I’m quite new with mongoldb.
I have a question that I cannot resolve by myself.
This is my model (simplified for the scope of this question)
account {
type: String
videos: [video],
images: [image]
video {
name: String,
length: Number,
Date: Date
image {
name: String,
size: Number
Date: Date
so a main model Account with two embedded documents: videos and images.
I would like to (in this sequence):
Is it possible or is preferable change the model?
type: 2,
[{ name: 'imagetest1', size: 3, Date: 2011-01-01},
{ name: 'imagetest2', size: 13, Date: 2011-02-02}],
[{ name: 'videotest1', length: 24, Date: 2011-01-07},
{ name: 'videotest2', length: 15, Date: 2011-03-02}] }
type: 2,
[{ name: 'imagetest3', size: 3, Date: 2011-01-03},
{ name: 'imagetest4', size: 15, Date: 2011-01-06}],
[{ name: 'videotest3', length: 24, Date: 2011-02-05},
{ name: 'videotest4', length: 16, Date: 2011-02-04}]
type: 1,
[{ name: 'imagetest5', size: 3, Date: 2011-01-03},
{ name: 'imagetest6', size: 15, Date: 2011-01-06}],
[{ name: 'videotest5', length: 24, Date: 2011-02-05},
{ name: 'videotest6', length: 16, Date: 2011-02-04}]
MongoDB query:
Query account by type: 2, sort both images and video by data ascending and finally merge images and video in one array.
[{ name: 'imagetest1', size: 3, Date: 2011-01-01},
{ name: 'videotest1', length: 24, Date: 2011-01-02},
{ name: 'imagetest3', size: 3, Date: 2011-01-03},
{ name: 'videotest4', length: 16, Date: 2011-02-04},
{ name: 'videotest3', length: 24, Date: 2011-02-05},
{ name: 'imagetest4', size: 15, Date: 2011-01-06},
{ name: 'videotest1', length: 24, Date: 2011-01-07},
{ name: 'imagetest2', size: 13, Date: 2011-02-02},
{ name: 'videotest2', length: 15, Date: 2011-03-02}]
You can do it with help of MAP-REDUCE.
Map function :
var map = function()
var doc = this.videos;
for( var i =0 ; i < this.images.length; i++ )
doc.push({name: this.images[i].name, length : this.images[i].size, Date: this.images[i].Date});
emit(this.type, doc );
Reduce Function :
var reduce = function(k,v)
var arr = v[0];
for( var j = 1 ; j < v.length; j++ )
arr = arr.concat(v[j]);
return arr;
Query :
out : {inline: 1} ,
query : {type : 2} ,
sort : {Date : 1}
In the future releases of MongoDb 3.2 you can use $concatArrays operator to merge the Arrays in aggregation pipeline easily.
$match : { type: 2 }
$project :
{ $concatArrays: [ {$ifNull: ["$videos", [] ] }, {$ifNull: ["$images", [] ] } ] } ,
type : 1
$sort : {"$newArray.Date" : 1 }