I tried to use boosting in R from adabag package.
model = boosting(survived ~ ., data=train, boos=TRUE, mfinal=20)
# Now I tried to predict using the model for test dataset like this:
pred = predict(model,test[-1],type = "prob")
# IT gave me the following error
Error in
(newdata, , as.character(object$formula[[2]])) : undefined columns selected
# But if i give:
pred = predict(model,test,type = "prob")
It predicts and we can get probabilities, confusion etc.
Is there any way, I can predict for the test data which does not have dependent variable?
One way you can resolve this error is - By injecting dummy values manually.
For Example:
test$Y = as.factor(round(runif(nrow(test))))
This should help the model understand whenever the test data doesn't have the Output variable.