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windowDidResize protocol swift OSX

I am creating a program and I would like the UI to change based on the size of the window. I'm looking for some method that is called when the window has been resized. I went to the documentation for windowDidResize, but I cannot get it to work when the window is resized.

import SpriteKit
import AppKit
class GameScene: SKScene , SKPhysicsContactDelegate ,NSWindowDelegate{

****   bunch of code   ****

  func windowDidResize (notification: NSNotification) {
    println("Screen has been resized")

Any info would be greatly appreciated.


  • If you inherit NSWindowDelegate, the only thing you should do is add observer onto NSNotificationCenter. Code is here.

    NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: Selector("windowDidResize:"), name: NSWindowDidResizeNotification, object: nil)