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Listen to Queue (Event Driven no polling) Service-Bus / Storage Queue

I'm trying to figure out how can I listen to an events on a queue (especially an enqueue event).

Say I have a Console Application and a Service Bus Queue/Topic, how can I connect to the Queue and wait for a new message ?

I'm trying to achieve this without While(true) and constant polling, I'm trying to do it more in a quite listener way something like a socket that stay connected to the queue.

The reason I don't want to use polling is that I understand that its floods the server with requests, I need a solution that will work on great loads.

Thank you.

I gave very basic example for the simplicity of the question but My real situation are a bit more complex:

I've Web-API that send messages that are needed to be process to a Worker Role using Service Bus Queue.

I need somehow to know when the Worker has been processed the message. I want the Worker to send a message to the queue alerting that the Web API has processed the message, but now I need to make the Web-API "sit" and wait for a response of the Worker back, that lead me to my question:

How can I listen to a queue constantly and without polling (because there is a lot of instances that will pooling and its will create a lot of requests that maybe its best to avoid.


  • I eventually used QueueClient.ReceiveAsync In order to wait for message with a parameter of a Timespan.

                BrokeredMessage msg = subClient.ReceiveAsync(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(3));

    Here is an nice article that explains large parts of the Azure Service Bus link and Service Bus best practice.