am developing a python application . I have validated customer id from database. Means if the entered custid is present in database, i am raising an exception. In exception class i am printing the message . So far it is printing the message. But i am not sure how to get control back to the statement where i am taking the input. main app
Custid=input("enter custid)
validate_custid module
From connections import cursor
From customExceptions import invalidcustidException
Def validate_custid(custid):
Cursor.execute("select count(custid) from customer where custid=:custid",{"custid":custid})
For row in cursor:
If Count==0:
Raise invalidcustidException
So far its printing the message in i want my program to take custid as input whenever this exception occurs. The process should iterate until user enters valid custid.
You should use a try-except block with else statement:
while True:
custid = input('Input custom Id: ')
# Put your code that may be throw an exception here
except InvalidcustidException as err:
# Handle the exception here
continue # start a new loop
# The part of code that will execute when no exceptions thrown
print('Your custom id {} is valid.'.format(custid))
break # escape the while loop
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