I have Simple form with this input:
<%= f.input :seleced_seats, collection: @event.seats, label: "-", label_html: { style: 'visibility: hidden; height: 0px;'}, include_blank: false %>
It contains options I want to update using AJAX. The JavaScript where I get the array for the input (data.seats) is:
var seleced_seats = $(this).val();
var seleced_term = $("*[class='list-group-item active']").attr('id');
jQuery.getJSON(window.location.href + "/price", {edition: seleced_seats, term: seleced_term}, function(data) {
How can I redraw the f.input with data from data.seats?
How about emptying your dropdown and adding the data.seats with jQuery append?
So something like this:
(assuming the data.seats will return an array of seat objects)
var dropDown = $(yourdropdown);
dropDown.append("<option value='"+seat.your_value+"'>"+seat.your_value+"</option>")
You could also use the jQuery each method to loop over the collection. See the API for more information: http://api.jquery.com/jquery.each/