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QuickBooks Desktop PHP Dev Kit Customer Authenticate/Add

My QuickBooks XML version is 13.0. I've used example_web_connector_auth.php( It should have added a customer. But nothing is added. I don't know what is wrong with it or how I can fix it? The core error is seemingly-"Response is not well-formed XML". It may be a SOAP Exception though I'm not sure yet.

The PHP error log is like below. It contains no error involving XML, just returning SQL deprecation message:

[02-Nov-2015 14:55:28 America/New_York] PHP Deprecated:  mysql_connect(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead in C:\xampp\htdocs\qb\QuickBooks\Driver\Sql\Mysql.php on line 289

The modified SQL Log is:

   (12, NULL, 0, 'Handler is starting up...: array (\n  ''qb_company_file''  => NULL,\n  ''qbwc_min_version'' => NULL,\n  ''qbwc_wait_before_next_update'' => NULL,\n  ''qbwc_min_run_every_n_seconds'' => NULL,\n  ''qbwc_version_warning_message'' => NULL,\n  ''qbwc_version_error_message'' => NULL,\n  ''qbwc_interactive_url'' => NULL,\n  ''autoadd_missing_requestid'' => true,\n  ''check_valid_requestid'' => true,\n  ''server_version'' => ''PHP QuickBooks SOAP Server v3.0 at /qb/docs/web_connector/example_web_connector_auth.php'',\n  ''authenticate'' => ''_quickbooks_custom_auth'',\n  ''authenticate_dsn'' => NULL,\n  ''map_application_identifiers'' => true,\n  ''allow_remote_addr'' => \n  array (\n  ),\n  ''deny_remote_addr'' => \n  array (\n  ),\n  ''convert_unix_newlines'' => true,\n  ''deny_concurrent_logins'' => false,\n  ''deny_concurrent_timeout'' => 60,\n  ''deny_reallyfast_logins'' => true,\n  ''deny_reallyfast_timeout'' => 600,\n  ''masking'' => true,\n)', '2015-11-02 14:36:01'),
   (13, NULL, 0, 'Incoming HTTP Headers: User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; MS Web Services Client Protocol 4.0.30319.42000)\nContent-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8\nSOAPAction: ""\nHost: localhost:24260\nContent-Length: 384\nExpect: 100-continue\n', '2015-11-02 14:36:01'),
   (14, NULL, 0, 'Incoming SOAP Request: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""><soap:Body><authenticate xmlns=""><strUserName>quickbooks</strUserName><strPassword>xxxxxxxx</strPassword></authenticate></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>', '2015-11-02 14:36:01'),
   (15, NULL, 0, 'authenticate()', '2015-11-02 14:36:01'),
   (16, NULL, 0, 'Calling auth callback [function]: _quickbooks_custom_auth', '2015-11-02 14:36:01'),
   (17, NULL, 0, 'Calling auth function: _quickbooks_custom_auth', '2015-11-02 14:36:01'),
   (18, 1, 0, 'Login via _quickbooks_custom_auth: quickbooks', '2015-11-02 14:36:02'),
   (19, NULL, 0, 'Outgoing SOAP Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n          <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" \n             xmlns:ns1="">\n                <SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:authenticateResponse><ns1:authenticateResult><ns1:string>b221c6f1-17b1-6164-9578-3b6760753d5c</ns1:string>\n<ns1:string>C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\Intuit\\QuickBooks\\Sample Company Files\\QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions 14.0\\sample_product-based business.QBW</ns1:string>\n</ns1:authenticateResult></ns1:authenticateResponse>\n            </SOAP-ENV:Body>\n          </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>', '2015-11-02 14:36:02');

And the QWClog.txt returns the lines below:

20151102.19:55:25 UTC   : QBWebConnector.SOAPWebService.do_serverVersion() : *** Calling serverVersion().
20151102.19:55:26 UTC   : QBWebConnector.SOAPWebService.do_serverVersion() : Actual error received from web service for serverVersion call: <Response is not well-formed XML.>. For backward compatibility of all webservers, QBWC will catch all errors under app-not-supporting-serverVersion.
20151102.19:55:27 UTC   : QBWebConnector.SOAPWebService.do_serverVersion() : This application does not contain support for serverVersion. Allowing update operation for backward compatibility.
20151102.19:55:27 UTC   : QBWebConnector.SOAPWebService.do_clientVersion() : *** Calling clientVersion() with following parameter:<productVersion="">
20151102.19:55:27 UTC   : QBWebConnector.SOAPWebService.updateWS() : Actual error received from web service for clientVersion call: <Response is not well-formed XML.>. For backward compatibility of all webservers, QBWC will catch all errors under app-not-supporting-clientVersion.
20151102.19:55:27 UTC   : QBWebConnector.SOAPWebService.do_clientVersion() : This application does not contain support for clientVersion. Allowing update operation for backward compatibility.
20151102.19:55:27 UTC   : QBWebConnector.SOAPWebService.do_authenticate() : Authenticating to application 'QuickBooks Integrator', username = 'quickbooks'
20151102.19:55:28 UTC   : QBWebConnector.SOAPWebService.do_authenticate() : *** Calling authenticate() with following parameters:<userName="quickbooks"><password=<MaskedForSecurity>
20151102.19:55:29 UTC   : QBWebConnector.SOAPWebService.do_authenticate() : QBWC1012: Authentication failed due to following error message.
Response is not well-formed XML.
More info:
StackTrace =    at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
at QBWebConnector.localhost.WCWebServiceDoc.authenticate(String strUserName, String strPassword)
at QBWebConnector.localhost.WCWebService.authenticate(String strUserName, String strPassword)
at QBWebConnector.SOAPWebService.authenticate(String UserName, String Password)
at QBWebConnector.WebService.do_authenticate(String& ticket, String& companyFileName)
Source = System.Web.Services

And the PHP code is as below. My DSN is right. PHP version is 5.5+:

error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
if (function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')){

require_once '../../QuickBooks.php';
$user = 'quickbooks';
$pass = 'password';

$map = array(
    QUICKBOOKS_ADD_CUSTOMER => array( '_quickbooks_customer_add_request', '_quickbooks_customer_add_response' ),
$errmap = array(
    3070 => '_quickbooks_error_stringtoolong'

$hooks = array();
$log_level = QUICKBOOKS_LOG_DEBUG;              

$soap_options = array();

$handler_options = array(
    'deny_concurrent_logins' => false, 
    'deny_reallyfast_logins' => false, 

$driver_options = array();

$callback_options = array();
$dsn = 'mysql://root@localhost/quickbooks_server';

if (!QuickBooks_Utilities::initialized($dsn)){
    QuickBooks_Utilities::createUser($dsn, $user, $pass);
    $primary_key_of_your_customer = 5;

    $Queue = new QuickBooks_WebConnector_Queue($dsn);
    $Queue->enqueue(QUICKBOOKS_ADD_CUSTOMER, $primary_key_of_your_customer);

$Server = new QuickBooks_WebConnector_Server($dsn, $map, $errmap, $hooks, $log_level, $soapserver, QUICKBOOKS_WSDL, $soap_options, $handler_options, $driver_options, $callback_options);
$response = $Server->handle(true, true);

  function _quickbooks_customer_add_request($requestID, $user, $action, $ID, $extra, &$err, $last_action_time, $last_actionident_time, $version, $locale)
$xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <?qbxml version="2.0"?>
        <QBXMLMsgsRq onError="stopOnError">
            <CustomerAddRq requestID="' . $requestID . '">
                    <Name>ConsoliBYTE, LLC (' . mt_rand() . ')</Name>
                    <CompanyName>ConsoliBYTE, LLC</CompanyName>
                        <Addr1>ConsoliBYTE, LLC</Addr1>
                        <Addr2>134 Stonemill Road</Addr2>
                        <Country>United States</Country>
                    <Email>[email protected]</Email>
                    <Contact>Keith Palmer</Contact>

return $xml;

  function _quickbooks_customer_add_response($requestID, $user, $action, $ID, $extra, &$err, $last_action_time, $last_actionident_time, $xml, $idents)

  function _quickbooks_error_stringtoolong($requestID, $user, $action, $ID, $extra, &$err, $xml, $errnum, $errmsg)
mail('[email protected]', 
    'QuickBooks error occured!', 
    'QuickBooks thinks that ' . $action . ': ' . $ID . ' has a value which will not fit in a QuickBooks field...');


  • This error:

    Response is not well-formed XML

    Means you have a PHP or SQL error. It seems you found the error here:

    [02-Nov-2015 14:55:28 America/New_York] PHP Deprecated: mysql_connect(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead in C:\xampp\htdocs\qb\QuickBooks\Driver\Sql\Mysql.php on line 289

    You need to fix that error.

    You can do that by changing your $dsn string to use a non-deprecated db driver, for example:

    $dsn = 'mysqli://...';