I have a database installed on four different production servers. Each server has its own different user. When I create a new table using create statement on these servers every server sets / prepends their user name e.g.
Create Table tab_1 ...
will be created as
on server_1 using abc
as login
on server_2 using def
as login
on server_3 using ghi
as login
on server_4 using jkl
as login
I want to use dbo
as default schema and have to use following statement on every server for every new table
ALTER SCHEMA dbo TRANSFER login.table_name;
Is there any way to modify Create Table
statement or other setting by which every table is created on all servers as dbo.table_name
I am using shared hosting and there are many restrictions in SSMS, so a query based solution would be appropriate.
You have control over the create table queries? In that case simply specify dbo in create:
CREATE TABLE dbo.dummy ();
For changing default schema for a user see this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/8208124/3480246