cd \newclients
xcopy "s:\clients\*\MER" . /s /d
This is my batch file. In my folder tree we have clients then names folders then MER folder. I want to be able to search the directory for the MER folder and copy that folder along with the client name before it. Is there a way to do this with batch files?
Using if exist
should do the thing.
pushd "s:\newclients"
for /f "delims=" %%f in ('dir /b /ad "s:\clients\*"') do (
if exist "s:\clients\%%f\MER\nul" ( xcopy "s:\clients\%%f\MER" "s:\newclients" /s /d )
Note: Add a slash if it's to check folder ie. if exist "s:\clients\%%f\MER\" ...
or if exist "s:\clients\%%f\MER\nul" ...
To suppress prompt about destination file/folder add /I
in xcopy
/I If in doubt always assume the destination is a folder e.g. when the destination does not exist.