I'm stuck with the right way to import an AMD JavaScript library (https://github.com/dcodeIO/bytebuffer.js) into a TypeScript file.
I found its - not up-to-date - type definition (https://github.com/SINTEF-9012/Proto2TypeScript/commit/0889dccbf6048f116551a73e77d75dd83553cfe6), but actually I was not able to find a way to use it and have the library loaded by RequireJS.
This is the code I'm using:
/// <amd-dependency path="Scripts/bytebuffer" />
var ByteBuffer = require( 'Scripts/bytebuffer' );
import protocols = require( 'protocols' );
export class Pippo
readPayload( payload: ArrayBuffer, ECType: string ): any
var ECStruct = new protocols.ECStruct( ECType );
var bb = new ByteBuffer()
.writeIString( "Hello world!" )
console.log( bb.readIString() + " from bytebuffer.js" );
The two modules protocols and bytebuffer are loaded correctly, but actually I cannot see members of instance bb in Visual Studio. If I put the line
/// <reference path="scripts/typings/bytebuffer/bytebuffer.d.ts" />
and comment //var ByteBuffer = require( 'Scripts/bytebuffer' ); of course I can see methods and properties of bb, but the module is not loaded at runtime.
Is there a way to have the ByteBuffer.js loaded by RequireJS with the possibility to see its members in VS?
There is a syntax for declaring the interface of external modules:
declare module 'amd/module/name' {
// module definition, probably with:
exports = thingToExport;
In your case it should probably be:
declare module 'Scripts/bytebuffer' {
exports = ByteBuffer;
Put this after the bytebuffer.d.ts file!!! Also see "Writing .d.ts files" in the handbook.
In my case the /// <amd-dependency>
and /// <reference>
stuff were also redundant - you may want to try it too, to simplify your code.