Is it possible to create a gradle task that runs several tasks? My goal would be to to have a command cleanAndTestAll
that would be executed like:
./gradlew cleanAndTestAll
and would be the equivalent of doing:
./gradlew clean :unit:test :app:connectedAndroidTestPlayDebug
One way is to define a wrapper task that depends on the tasks you want to run. For example adding the following to the root build.gradle :
task cleanAndTestAll(dependsOn: [ clean, ':unit:test', ':app:connectedAndroidTestPlayDebug']) { }
This task will trigger the two other tasks. and give output like the following:
15:31:38: Executing external task 'cleanAndTestAll'...
If you want to enforce an ordering between the tasks, you could do something like:
task cleanAndTestAll(dependsOn: [clean, ':unit:test', ':app:connectedAndroidTestPlayDebug']) { }
tasks.getByPath(':app:connectedAndroidTestPlayDebug').mustRunAfter tasks.getByPath(':unit:test')
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