How do I combine routes in Pedestal ?
(defroutes api-routes [...])
(defroutes site-routes [...])
(combine-routes api-routes site-routes) ;; should be a valid route as well
Note : This is a similar question as Combining routes in Compojure, but for Pedestal.
It's as easy as
(def all-routes (concat api-routes site-routes))
The explanation starts from here, it is stated that
A route table is simply a data structure; in our case, it is a sequence of maps.
pedestal team calls that sequence of maps route table form as verbose format and they design a terse format of route table which is what we supply to defroute
. The defroute
then transform our terse format to the verbose format.
You can check for yourself in the repl
;; here we supply a terse route format to defroutes
> (defroutes routes
[[["/" {:get home-page}
["/hello" {:get hello-world}]]]])
;;=> #'routes
;; then we pretty print the verbose route format
> (pprint routes)
({:path-parts [""],
:path-params [],
[{:name :mavbozo-pedestal.core/home-page,
#object[io.pedestal.interceptor$eval7317$fn__7318$fn__7319 0x95d91f4 "io.pedestal.interceptor$eval7317$fn__7318$fn__7319@95d91f4"],
:leave nil,
:error nil}],
:path "/",
:method :get,
:path-re #"/\Q\E",
:route-name :mavbozo-pedestal.core/home-page}
{:path-parts ["" "hello"],
:path-params [],
[{:name :mavbozo-pedestal.core/hello-world,
#object[io.pedestal.interceptor$eval7317$fn__7318$fn__7319 0x4a168461 "io.pedestal.interceptor$eval7317$fn__7318$fn__7319@4a168461"],
:leave nil,
:error nil}],
:path "/hello",
:method :get,
:path-re #"/\Qhello\E",
:route-name :mavbozo-pedestal.core/hello-world})
So, because pedestal route is just a sequence of maps, we can easily combine multiple non-overlapping routes with concat
That is what I like about one of clojure's principles which pedestal team follows: generic data manipulation which in this case, a verbose formatted route table is just a map--a ordinary clojure's data structure which can be inspected and manipulated with regular clojure.core's data structure manipulation functions such as concat
. Even the terse format is also a plain clojure data structure and can easily inspected and manipulated with the same means.