I want to display a general home page (index.jspx) when someone visits my site. This site is build with Spring Roo / gvNIX and using Typical security.
Default however, as long as a user is not logged in, the login.jspx page is shown and not the index.jspx page, see illustration with the Petclinic site, https://petclinic-gvnix.rhcloud.com.
When visiting my site I want to welcome a user with welcome and some general information.
I will illustrate my question with the sample gvNIX Petclinic application. When you go to this site with https://petclinic-gvnix.rhcloud.com you get will be reat https://petclinic-gvnix.rhcloud.com/login
After logging in you get at the main page: https://petclinic-gvnix.rhcloud.com. Actually this is index.jspx.
Seems simple, yet could not find an answer.
Changes I made, without effect are:
Changed the definition extends="default" to definition extends="public"
<definition extends="public" name="index">
<put-attribute name="body" value="/WEB-INF/views/index.jspx" />
Added to web.xml
<!-- Index -->
Added to applicationContext-security.xml the following
<intercept-url access="permitAll" pattern="/index/**" />
<intercept-url access="permitAll" pattern="/login/**" />
Yet it still first goes to the login page.
I read the "Spring in Action" from Ken Rimple and Googled
Try to add root to url list:
<intercept-url access="permitAll" pattern="/" />
<intercept-url access="permitAll" pattern="/login/**" />
and revert the other changes
You must take account that you are define rules for urls and you can permit access just to a single page.
Also assure that user can access to /resources/**
Good luck!