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Can I explicitly invoke property destructors so that I can see which one causes problems?

I guess this is a really nasty issue - seems like one of the property destructors of my class creates deadlock. Property destructors are called automatically after class destructor. And I'd like to call them manually and make a log entry after every single one succeeds.

The problem only occurs on devices, where debugger can't be used, so I am using log instead.

Client::~Client() {
    // Stops io service and disconnects sockets
    LOG("io_service stopped"<<endl);
    // Destroy IO service
    LOG("io_service destroyed"<<endl);

But the code above actually causes exception, because the ~io_service() gets called twice.

So is there a way to do this properly? If not, what's an alternative to debugging destructors?


  • You can't alter the compiler behaviour like that. the compiler will augment the destructor to destruct nested objects.

    What you can do is to declare io as a pointer and allocate it dynamically with new. then call delete io and monitor what happens there.

    Other solution is just to put a breakpoint on the io destructor and follow what happens there upon destruction. this is probably the best idea.