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Change source url on $includeContentRequested

I want to change the url each time a ng-include directive requests a partial. So far I'm able to see the url and the event like this: ($rootScope) {
    $rootScope.$on('$includeContentRequested', function (event, url) {

Now I need to be able to change the url from 'templates/incs/includedPartial.html' to 'templates/incs/includedPartial.html?cache_version=1_1', then include the partial with the new link.

Obviously I'm doing this to prevent caching problems on version change. Is this a good strategy or is there a better solution? Thanks in advance for any help...


  • I think I actually figured out the answer to this. What you can do is to create an interceptor. Since all requests with ng-include actually goes through the generic $httpProvider you could intercept the request and add the cache buster.

    app.factory( "cacheBusterFactory", [ "VERSION", function( VERSION ) {
        return {
            request: function( config ) {
                if( config.url.indexOf( ".html", config.url.length - ".html".length ) !== -1 ) {
                    config.url += "?v=" + VERSION.toString();
                return config;
    } ] );

    "VERSION" in this case is an angular constant that I change on each deploy:

    app.constant( "VERSION", 0.1 );

    And adding the cache buster is as simple as:

    .config( [ "$httpProvider", function( $httpProvider ) {
        $httpProvider.interceptors.push( "cacheBusterFactory" );
    } ] )

    As you can see I only intercept .html files since those are the only ones I need to add cache busting to. You could of course extend or rebuild the "cacheBusterFactory" to suit your needs.