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ng-scrollbars does not work inside ng-view

Situation: I am trying to use ng-scrollbars that is a wrapper for Malihu's jQuery Custom Scrollbar by Manos Malihutsakis. I am trying to use it with angular.

Problem: If I do not use ng-view, everything works fine and as expected. But inside ng-view, I cannot scroll vertically(horizontal works!).

My codes:


angular.module('app', ['ngScrollbars'])
    .config(function (ScrollBarsProvider) {

        ScrollBarsProvider.defaults = {
            mouseWheelPixels: 150,
            theme: "minimal",
            live: true,
                updateOnContentResize: true,
                autoExpandHorizontalScroll: true,
                autoExpandVerticalScroll: true,
                updateOnSelectorChange: true
            scrollButtons: {
                enable: true,
                scrollAmount: 'auto'
            axis: 'yx',
            autoHideScrollbar: true
            .when('/agent/list', {
                templateUrl: '/partials/agent/list',
                controller: 'inAgentListCtrl'



<div ng-scrollbars="ng-scrollbars" class="inListWrapper">
    <table class="table">
            <th>First Name</th>
            <th>Last Name</th>
        <tr ng-repeat="agent in agents" ng-hide="agent.isDeleted">
            <td><a ng-href="/agent/view/{{agent._id}}">{{agent._id}}</a></td>
            <td><a ng-href="#" ng-click="">{{agent._id}}</a></td>

Sample data for $scope.agents



angular.module('app').controller('inAgentListCtrl', function ($scope, inAgent, $location) {

    $scope.agents = inAgent.query();

    $scope.delete = $scope.delete || {};
    $ = function (agent) {
        // Implementaion


Versions: As mentioned in the dependencies of bower.json:

"dependencies": {
  "angular": "~1.4.7",
  "jquery": "~2.1.4",
  "ng-scrollbars": "~0.0.5"

Also opening the file jquery.mCustomScrollbar.concat.min.js, states:

  • jquery mousewheel plugin == Version: 3.1.13
  • malihu jquery custom scrollbar plugin == Version: 3.1.1


  • I found the root of the problem is not the ng-scrollbars or its configurations. The problem was that the width of the wrapper(called it wrapper1) that I applied the <ng-scrollbars> did not have a specified width or height and from the other hand the wrapper to <ng-scrollbars> (call it wrapper2)had a fixed width and height, with overflow: hidden, so as wrapper1 grow larger than wrapper2, the scrollbars either were not generated(for vertical problem) or were covered under wrapper2.

    I fixed it by applying <ng-scrollbars> to wrapper2 instead of wrapper1