I'm building an app for twitter on Android based on twitter4j.
I'm didn't find a way to get the "User" data for a specific screename,
If in a post, you have "blabla.... @toto..", I click on toto to show his profile.
I didn't find a way to get this info.
I have wrote an app based on fragement and Handler.
I plan to reuse the profile fragment I have wrote and I just have to send a message to make it works:
message = Message.obtain();
message.what = Constant.PROFILE ;
message.obj = UserMention ;
mHandler.sendMessage(message) ;
If I put the right data in "UserMention", it will show a fragment with the data displayed but I do not know who to file it...
Current what is done is :
long i= mTwitter.twitterObj.getId();
mUserProfile = mTwitter.twitterObj.showUser(i);
it will gave me the user info which mine if I'm the connected user.
Any idea ? I want to do the same but with a given screenname
This is from twitter 4.0.4 in examples folder: Here they have used User show using screen name in example ShowUser.java. You can try it.
Twitter twitter = new TwitterFactory().getInstance();
User user = twitter.showUser("screename");