I'm trying to use ng-bind-html in hand with JavaScript's replace() function. It works just fine when I don't include a global value in replace(), but the moment I include something like replace(/test/g, 'TEST'), I get this in the console:
Syntax Error: Token '/' not a primary expression at column 95
This is what I'm trying to do, and also what gives me the error:
ng-bind-html="(resume.address == null || resume.address == '') ? 'Mailing Address' : resume.address.replace(/;/g, 'TEST')"
Have I made an obvious error that I am overlooking, and if so, what is the proper way to write this?
My end goal is to replace a string, which contains multiple ";" characters, and have those characters be replaced with break elements that AngularJS will not sanitize into a string literal. If there is a better way of doing this, that answer is also welcome.
This doesn't answer your question as to why angular throws the error. But it might help you get around it.
Create a filter:
angular.module('yourApp', []).filter('addressFilter', function() {
return function(input) {
input = input || 'Mailing Address';
return input.replace(/;/g, 'TEST')";
ng-bind-html="resume.address | addressFilter"